If You’re Having Girl Problems, I Feel Bad for You, Son…
Not getting the success with women that you need?
Are you:
Sick of paying for dates that go nowhere & end with you being told “Let’s just be friends”?
Tired of putting your time and energy into writing perfect messages only to have women just ghost you anyway?
Tired of seeing beautiful women on the street & in bars & clubs & not knowing how to approach them?
Tired of swiping endlessly but not matching the women you want?
Confused about what to do in the bedroom?
Sick of slamming your head against the invisible barrier between you & women that they don’t seem to give a crap about?
Do you:
Have your life in order with a reasonable degree of success?
Know deep down that you have something to offer women?
Just not know where you’re going wrong?
And finally, are you:
Sick of not dating & sleeping with the women YOU want
Ready for a relationship with the woman of your dreams?
After This Program, Your Girl Problems Will Be Gone For Good…
And what you are about to read in the next few minutes will completely disrupt your views on attracting women…
It might even offend you…
So hold tight, bro.
It’s not a “GIRL” problem, it’s a “YOU” problem.
After having transformed the lives of thousands of men, I can confidently say that whatever you think your problem is when it comes to attracting women…
The solution is definitely NOT outside of yourself.
You see, my name’s Ciaran and I’m a full-time dating coach.
I change men’s lives. It’s what I do.
With GodTier Dating, you’ll finally take control of your dating life.
I’ve been coaching guys for 5 years and I’ve heard every possible issue a man may have in attracting women.
Now hear me out…
I know you’ve been searching for a fix outside of yourself.
Pick up forums
Flashy new tactics
Facebook dating groups…
Tinder openers that don’t work…
Getting 5 matches a month with girls you don’t really like, only swiped on because you don’t have better options, & who ghosted you anyway!
Going to the mall to do countless cold approaches only to go home frustrated and with no numbers…
Maybe you do get numbers but for some reason they always ghost after you message them?
Or even worse, maybe you just don’t have the courage to approach women?
I know what it’s like to have something stop you every single time. How it feels to fight that war with yourself to take action but lose every time, even though you consciously know nothing bad will happen…
How shameful is that feeling? It used to make me feel like a loser.
A loser who was afraid of women.
Every man’s been there.
Not just you.
This might upset you, but every time you’re looking to fix your situation with some “magic pill” or a “quick fix” that will be like “BOOM! You’re great with women immediately!” You’re wasting your time.
It’s time to open your eyes…
The thing is…
I wasn’t always that great with women. I wasn’t always living my best life & coaching guys to be the best men they can be and live with sexual abundances.
I wasn’t always good with women. In fact, I didn’t have a clue
There was a period in my life in which I was miserable.
Really miserable.
Like choking on my tears miserable.
I was depressed.
I was majorly addicted to porn and video games…
I played for 14 hours a day, procrastinated on literally everything you can imagine, and isolated myself from everyone.
I just didn’t know how to talk to people and it made me feel worthless.
And all that made me feel even worse and caused me to spend another 3 hours jerking it to porn until my dick hurt because I had to run away from that pain.
I had to escape who I was & I thought porn & videogames would make me feel better…
They didn’t. They made everything worse & that was my everyday life.
I hated everything about myself and while I thought those things were my escape, they just sucked me deeper into the pit of misery.
I struggled with social anxiety. I despised every second that I was alive. and that’s not an exaggeration.
Like I said, I didn’t just not know how to get girls, I didn’t know how to socialize in general.
I was that awkward guy who stands alone in the corner at every single party.
I always wanted friends. I always needed girlfriends. I needed people to think I was cool.
But I wasn’t “cool”, didn’t know how to be “cool” and I was so alone in my misery…
All I wanted was for people to care about me enough that they wouldn’t only invite me to parties but they’d also be disappointed if I didn’t go, but that never happened.
I wanted to get texts from hot girls saying they had a great time with me and hoped to see me soon, but that never happened.
Now I don’t know how bad it is for you, but this is how bad it was for me.
And if you’re still reading then your situation is obviously bad to some degree.
But there’s nothing wrong with that. No one’s born knowing how to how to attract women.
Time to change your life
GodTier Dating: Immortal Edition
Lifetime Access To GodTier Dating: Immortal Edition
How to become your dream self
How to find your life’s purpose
How to make pain your b*tch
How to boost your imagination, creativity, focus, & confidence
How to never run out of things to say to anyone
How to talk to groups & make them love you
How to the man who controls the room
How to consistently make people laugh
How to project massive & unshakable confidence
How to Build an Awesome Social Circle
How to identify & locate high quality people for your circle
How to offer incredible value so they want you in their lives
How to use your social circle to meet beautiful women on autopilot
How to be the man women crave
12 secrets about attracting women society doesn’t want you to know
How to approach women on the street & have them be glad you did
How to successfully approach women in bars & clubs
How to flirt like 007
How to have an incredible first date
Hours of successful cold approach videos to learn from
How to message women so they eagerly reply & don’t ghost you
How to create an irresistible profile that women eagerly swipe right on
How to write a bio that makes women want to meet you
How to seamlessly go from your first message to getting her number & dating her
Hours of interviews with hot women roasting & rating men’s profiles & messages
Find out why men dry women up in the bedroom & learn how not to be that guy
Learn how to make her love the idea of sleeping with you
Discover how to give her orgasms like no man ever before
Learn to use dirty talk to drive her wild with lust
Watch over 10 hours of interviews of women saying exactly what kind of sex they crave
How to get in shape masterclass
Learn how to develop the mindset & habits of a fit man who works out
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1 month of personal coaching with me. I’ll guide you towards your goals
My exclusive book How to Meet and Keep Your Dream Woman
My exclusive book How to Approach Women
My book 13 Ways to Make Her Want You
Full & exclusive access to my course 4 Weeks to Unstoppable Confidence